More CVT Eligibility Information
CVT to Conduct Dependent Eligibility Verification Review
An important responsibility of CVT is to make sure coverage costs are as competitive as possible and to ensure that the Trust is paying claims for only those dependents of members who are eligible. Verifying that all dependents are eligible is one way to help us accomplish this goal.
What is a Dependent Verification Review?
A dependent review is the examination of an employer’s health and welfare plan participants to ensure enrolled dependents meet eligibility criteria. There are many benefits to undergoing a dependent verification, especially given the changing landscape of healthcare reform. It will help control healthcare costs for all CVT members, preserve benefits and ensure sustainability of the Trust. Removing ineligible dependents will also reduce costs and fees associated with the Affordable Care Act.
To ensure that only those who are actually eligible are provided with CVT coverage, CVT has retained HMS, a professional, independent firm who has conducted verification programs like this one for decades. HMS is a 40-year company with expertise in this process and has highly trained staff to make the project go as smoothly as possible for members.
The process will begin January 30th when HMS will send a confidential package to applicable members. In February a reminder notice will be sent to those who do not respond with their documentation. The final deadline is March 11th. Dependents of those who fail to respond will be removed from coverage as soon as administratively possible. Key points that enrolled employees should note: Only members with dependents need verification. If a member has no dependents, they will not receive any information and do not need to take any action.
A number of members whose dependents were verified beginning in October 2011 will not receive a packet from HMS as they have already been through a verification process.
Dependents may include: A legal spouse, registered or unregistered domestic partner, a child up to age 26. More information about who is a dependent will be in the HMS package.
The list of acceptable documents required to prove eligibility is extensive and should make the process somewhat easy for members. The package will include all the information needed to complete the verification process and will answer most questions.
HMS will also provide a hotline (855) 884-5469(855) 884-5469 from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. PST Monday through Friday to answer member questions.
Informational Webinars
To help district, chapter leadership, labor representatives and members understand the verification process and to answer questions, HMS with CVT will conduct a series of webinars on the dates and times shown below. To participate in the webinar you or a member will only need to click on the link below on the date and time listed and follow the instructions there. Each session will take approximately one hour.
Monday, January 12, 2015 at 9:00am <>
Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 12:00pm <>
AB 215 Streamlines Teacher Dismissal. Supported by CTA
Need help for retirement planning? Click for a PDF document of how CTA can help.
February, 2014 CTA News
Don’t forget: March 1 is the last day to nominate a student for Insight Scholarships
March 1 is the last day CTA members can nominate students for the 2014 Incight Scholarships sponsored by The Standard. There are eight one-time scholarships in the amount of $2,500 each reserved for students nominated by CTA members. Any active CTA member in good standing may nominate up to three students for the 2014 Incight Scholarships sponsored by The Standard. To be eligible, the student must have a documented physical, learning or cognitive disability, be at least a senior in high school and plan to enroll full-time in a vocational school, two- or four-year college or university for the 2014-2015 school year. Students must complete their applications by April 1, 2014.
To learn more and to submit your student nominations, visit
March 1 is the last day CTA members can nominate students for the 2014 Incight Scholarships sponsored by The Standard. There are eight one-time scholarships in the amount of $2,500 each reserved for students nominated by CTA members. Any active CTA member in good standing may nominate up to three students for the 2014 Incight Scholarships sponsored by The Standard. To be eligible, the student must have a documented physical, learning or cognitive disability, be at least a senior in high school and plan to enroll full-time in a vocational school, two- or four-year college or university for the 2014-2015 school year. Students must complete their applications by April 1, 2014.
To learn more and to submit your student nominations, visit
California Casualty Searching for the Next $2,500 Academic Award Winner
You could be the next recipient of California Casualty’s $2,500 Academic Award. Just complete the easy online entry form at
California Casualty, our endorsed auto and home insurance vendor, created the Academic Award to help defray costs that educators pay for classrooms and other instructional materials.
The latest California Casualty Academic Award winners are CTA members Michelle Ruxton of Redwood City TA (January 2014) and Elaine Tam of Merced Union High School District TA (August 2013).
Michelle’s name was randomly selected from more than 15,000 entries from across the nation. Michelle is in her second year at John Gill Elementary School, in Redwood City where she teaches 5th grade. She says she will use the money to invest in a Smart Board projection system to enhance the education experience of her students by integrating lessons with fun and engaging multi-sensory curriculum. “Thank you for the award! My class and I are ecstatic,” she said.
“California Casualty, which has 63 years of ties to public education, wants to help educators in their tireless work to educate our children. This is just one small way we can say ‘thank you’ for the dedication and sacrifice made daily on the job”, said Vice President Mike McCormick.
Entries will be taken to March 7th for the next Academic Award contest, with the winner announced April, 2014.
To learn more about California Casualty, or to request an auto insurance and/or home insurance quote, please visit or call 1.800.800.9410.
CTA Member Benefits Department
1705 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: (650) 552-5200 · E-Mail: [email protected] mailto:[email protected]
About CTA:
The preeminent voice for educators in California's public schools and colleges, CTA is also a powerful and passionate advocate for students and public education.
CTA Member Benefits
As a member you have at your fingertips access to a variety of benefits and programs to enhance your life and your career.
Learn more »
Special Pre-Conferences
Don't miss this special one-day conference covering the basics of 403(b) & 457 plans. Available at the Equity and Human Rights Conference, and Good Teaching Conference South.
Learn more »
California Teachers Association
1705 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: +1 650 697 1400 · E-Mail: [email protected] mailto:[email protected]
1705 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: (650) 552-5200 · E-Mail: [email protected] mailto:[email protected]
About CTA:
The preeminent voice for educators in California's public schools and colleges, CTA is also a powerful and passionate advocate for students and public education.
CTA Member Benefits
As a member you have at your fingertips access to a variety of benefits and programs to enhance your life and your career.
Learn more »
Special Pre-Conferences
Don't miss this special one-day conference covering the basics of 403(b) & 457 plans. Available at the Equity and Human Rights Conference, and Good Teaching Conference South.
Learn more »
California Teachers Association
1705 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: +1 650 697 1400 · E-Mail: [email protected] mailto:[email protected]
Video of CTA Member sets the record straight on Vergara lawsuit.
Retirement Progress Report to be available on line only unless you opt out. Read it HERE.
January 2014, Ready to Go!
CVT articles for district and chapter newsletters
CVT is committed to providing valuable benefits and services to our members. Providing the benefits and services is just the first step. The second step is ongoing program awareness and encouraging use of these convenient low cost or no cost benefits by our members through various communication channels.
Adding to our ongoing array of communication methods, we are providing you with two pre-written Ready to Go! articles for use in your district and/or chapter newsletters which contain valuable information for your readers.
Please take a minute and view the MDLIVE article<> and the EAP article<>. These benefits can provide members convenient and confidential access to medical care round the clock. They will thank you for it! We hope you'll find this helpful the next time you wonder what to put in your newsletter. It's a time saver too. All you have to do is cut and paste into your newsletter.
Send your suggestions for future articles and comments on Ready to Go! to [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>.
Established in 1984, California's Valued Trust (CVT) remains today as one of California's largest self-funded public schools trust, specializing in healthcare benefits for the education community. CVT serves more than 219 districts and 133,000 members across the state by providing premier benefit products and innovative healthcare programs. For more information, visit<>.
CVT articles for district and chapter newsletters
CVT is committed to providing valuable benefits and services to our members. Providing the benefits and services is just the first step. The second step is ongoing program awareness and encouraging use of these convenient low cost or no cost benefits by our members through various communication channels.
Adding to our ongoing array of communication methods, we are providing you with two pre-written Ready to Go! articles for use in your district and/or chapter newsletters which contain valuable information for your readers.
Please take a minute and view the MDLIVE article<> and the EAP article<>. These benefits can provide members convenient and confidential access to medical care round the clock. They will thank you for it! We hope you'll find this helpful the next time you wonder what to put in your newsletter. It's a time saver too. All you have to do is cut and paste into your newsletter.
Send your suggestions for future articles and comments on Ready to Go! to [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>.
Established in 1984, California's Valued Trust (CVT) remains today as one of California's largest self-funded public schools trust, specializing in healthcare benefits for the education community. CVT serves more than 219 districts and 133,000 members across the state by providing premier benefit products and innovative healthcare programs. For more information, visit<>.
State Election information
Please notify interested members that the deadline to submit a Declaration of Candidacy for the 2014 NEA Representative Assembly is 5:00 p.m., January 31, 2014, no exceptions. Submissions must be made to the Hesperia or Lancaster RRCs. Faxes are acceptable.
Hesperia RRC
9329 Mariposa Road
Suite 215
Hesperia 92344
FAX: 760.244.1665
Lancaster RRC
1027 West Lancaster Boulevard
Lancaster 93534
FAX: 661.942.8453
Thank you,
Vicki Kramer
California Teachers Association
Hesperia RRC | 760.244.2239
Your VALUELINE is now available!
Take a few minutes to see what's inside of the new VALUELINE newsletter from CVT! This is your opportunity to learn more about your Districts/Chapter's healthcare benefits, as well as gain information on valuable resources available to you, your district and CVT members. Click here<> to view VALUELINE.
VALUELINE is a communication tool prepared by CVT for the leadership of our member districts. It differs from our participant newsletter, the Trustline, in that it focuses on news of specific interest to Labor/Management Leaders. Your comments or suggestions for the content are appreciated. Please send them to [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>.
Established in 1984, California's Valued Trust (CVT) remains today as California's largest self-funded public schools trust, specializing in healthcare benefits for the education community. CVT serves more than 219 districts and 137,000 members across the state by providing premier benefit products and innovative healthcare programs. For more information, visit<>.
Take a few minutes to see what's inside of the new VALUELINE newsletter from CVT! This is your opportunity to learn more about your Districts/Chapter's healthcare benefits, as well as gain information on valuable resources available to you, your district and CVT members. Click here<> to view VALUELINE.
VALUELINE is a communication tool prepared by CVT for the leadership of our member districts. It differs from our participant newsletter, the Trustline, in that it focuses on news of specific interest to Labor/Management Leaders. Your comments or suggestions for the content are appreciated. Please send them to [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>.
Established in 1984, California's Valued Trust (CVT) remains today as California's largest self-funded public schools trust, specializing in healthcare benefits for the education community. CVT serves more than 219 districts and 137,000 members across the state by providing premier benefit products and innovative healthcare programs. For more information, visit<>.
State Council Information
Messages from CTA, November, 2013
“One of the Best Financial Moves I’ve Ever Made.”
At the recent San Diego/Imperial Fall Leadership Conference, Catherine Drew of El Centro Secondary Teachers Association, shared the following comments about California Casualty:
One of the best financial moves I’ve ever made was to insure my family’s three cars, one scooter, and my home with California Casualty. Even with a string of three minor accidents in six months and two teenage drivers, California Casualty’s rates were better than I could find with other reliable companies – and yes, I shopped around.
Also my representative is knowledgeable, available, and a pleasure to work with.
Catherine Drew
Southwest High School
El Centro Secondary Teachers Association
California Casualty offers CTA members exclusive auto and home insurance programs tailored to educators’ needs. Learn more at more or You can also
call 1-800-800-9410. Get a quote today -- maybe the time is right for you to make a beneficial financial move. MORE
Time Is Running Out On This Special Enrollment Opportunity
If you’re a newly hired CTA member this year, you may be eligible for a special, limited-time opportunity to apply for CTA-endorsed Disability and Life Insurance from Standard Insurance Company (The Standard).
If you apply within your first 120 days of starting your new job, eligible CTA members can get up to $200,000 of Life Insurance coverage without answering any health questions.
You can also apply for Disability Insurance, which can help with the everyday bills like your mortgage and utilities, that continue even when you can't work -- expenses that health insurance won't cover. The CTA-endorsed Disability Insurance plan was specially designed to address the gaps in coverage that many California educators face.
Remember, you only have 120 days to apply for this unique opportunity. Don't miss out.
For costs and further details of the coverage and this enrollment opportunity, including exclusions, benefit waiting periods, any reductions or limitations and the terms under which the policy may be continued in force, call The Standard's CTA Customer Service Department at 800.522.0406, or visit to apply online. MORE
CTA Member Benefits Department
1705 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA
Phone: (650) 552-5200 • E-Mail: [email protected]
mailto:[email protected]
Discover Member Benefits
CTA Credit Union Services through Logix Federal Credit Union and Provident Credit Union.Rental Car Discounts available through CTA and NEA.
Learn more »
CTA Member Benefits
As a member you have at your fingertips access to a variety of benefits and programs to enhance your life and your career.
Learn more »
Special Pre-Conferences
Don't miss this special one-day conference covering the basics of 403(b) & 457 plans available at the Good Teaching Conference North
Learn more »
California Teachers Association
1705 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: +1 650 697 1400 • E-Mail: [email protected] mailto:[email protected]
Follow CTA
At the recent San Diego/Imperial Fall Leadership Conference, Catherine Drew of El Centro Secondary Teachers Association, shared the following comments about California Casualty:
One of the best financial moves I’ve ever made was to insure my family’s three cars, one scooter, and my home with California Casualty. Even with a string of three minor accidents in six months and two teenage drivers, California Casualty’s rates were better than I could find with other reliable companies – and yes, I shopped around.
Also my representative is knowledgeable, available, and a pleasure to work with.
Catherine Drew
Southwest High School
El Centro Secondary Teachers Association
California Casualty offers CTA members exclusive auto and home insurance programs tailored to educators’ needs. Learn more at more or You can also
call 1-800-800-9410. Get a quote today -- maybe the time is right for you to make a beneficial financial move. MORE
Time Is Running Out On This Special Enrollment Opportunity
If you’re a newly hired CTA member this year, you may be eligible for a special, limited-time opportunity to apply for CTA-endorsed Disability and Life Insurance from Standard Insurance Company (The Standard).
If you apply within your first 120 days of starting your new job, eligible CTA members can get up to $200,000 of Life Insurance coverage without answering any health questions.
You can also apply for Disability Insurance, which can help with the everyday bills like your mortgage and utilities, that continue even when you can't work -- expenses that health insurance won't cover. The CTA-endorsed Disability Insurance plan was specially designed to address the gaps in coverage that many California educators face.
Remember, you only have 120 days to apply for this unique opportunity. Don't miss out.
For costs and further details of the coverage and this enrollment opportunity, including exclusions, benefit waiting periods, any reductions or limitations and the terms under which the policy may be continued in force, call The Standard's CTA Customer Service Department at 800.522.0406, or visit to apply online. MORE
CTA Member Benefits Department
1705 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA
Phone: (650) 552-5200 • E-Mail: [email protected]
mailto:[email protected]
Discover Member Benefits
CTA Credit Union Services through Logix Federal Credit Union and Provident Credit Union.Rental Car Discounts available through CTA and NEA.
Learn more »
CTA Member Benefits
As a member you have at your fingertips access to a variety of benefits and programs to enhance your life and your career.
Learn more »
Special Pre-Conferences
Don't miss this special one-day conference covering the basics of 403(b) & 457 plans available at the Good Teaching Conference North
Learn more »
California Teachers Association
1705 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: +1 650 697 1400 • E-Mail: [email protected] mailto:[email protected]
Follow CTA
Messages from CTA, October, 2013
Information regarding a Thomas Sports Grant can be located here.
Did you switch school districts this year?
If you moved to a new school district this year, you have a special, limited-time opportunity to apply for CTA-endorsed Disability and Life Insurance from Standard Insurance Company (The Standard).
Eligible CTA members who apply within 120 days of starting work in their new jobs can get up to $200,000 of Life Insurance coverage without answering any health questions.
You can also get Disability Insurance, which can help with everyday bills that continue even when you can’t work – like your mortgage and utilities. The CTA-endorsed Disability Insurance plan was specially designed to address the gaps in coverage that many California educators face.
And because these plans are endorsed by CTA, you can trust that they provide benefits that other plans can’t match.
Remember, you only have 120 days to apply for this unique opportunity. Don’t miss out:
Visit to learn more and apply online.
For costs and further details of the coverage and this enrollment opportunity, including exclusions, benefit waiting periods, any reductions or limitations and the terms under which the policy may be continued in force, call The Standard’s CTA Customer Service Department at 800.522.0406.
Eligible CTA members who apply within 120 days of starting work in their new jobs can get up to $200,000 of Life Insurance coverage without answering any health questions.
You can also get Disability Insurance, which can help with everyday bills that continue even when you can’t work – like your mortgage and utilities. The CTA-endorsed Disability Insurance plan was specially designed to address the gaps in coverage that many California educators face.
And because these plans are endorsed by CTA, you can trust that they provide benefits that other plans can’t match.
Remember, you only have 120 days to apply for this unique opportunity. Don’t miss out:
Visit to learn more and apply online.
For costs and further details of the coverage and this enrollment opportunity, including exclusions, benefit waiting periods, any reductions or limitations and the terms under which the policy may be continued in force, call The Standard’s CTA Customer Service Department at 800.522.0406.
How to contact CTA
Member Benefits Department
1705 Murchison Drive,
Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: (650) 552-5200 • E-Mail: [email protected]
Member Benefits Department
1705 Murchison Drive,
Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: (650) 552-5200 • E-Mail: [email protected]
Messages from CTA, September, 2013
Merced Union High School District Teachers Association Member, Elaine Tam, Wins $2,500 California Casualty Academic Award
California Casualty has presented a $2,500 Academic Award to Merced Union High School District Teachers Association member, Elaine Tam, for her class at Atwater High School in Atwater, California. Tam's name was randomly selected from a pool of more than 15,000 entries from around the nation.
Elaine Tam was all smiles when her name was announced as the latest California Casualty Academic Award winner during a back to school teacher staff meeting. Fellow teachers were present and pleased to see one of their own receive a check for $2,500 to use for school supplies and activities. When asked what she would do with the money, Elaine replied, "I will use it for transportation to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and if there's money left over, I will buy classroom supplies." Tam went on to say transportation has been a hindrance to field trips because of the high cost of bus charter services.
Are You Protecting Your Loved Ones?
According to insurance industry research group LIMRA, 30 percent of U.S. households have no life insurance coverage. LIMRA's most recent Trends in Life insurance Ownership study also found that 40 percent of U.S. households said that they would have immediate trouble meeting everyday living expenses if the primary breadwinner died today.
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month, so take some time to check your own coverage and educate yourself about the options available to you as a CTA member.
CTA Member Benefits Department
1705 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: (650) 552-5200 ·
E-Mail: [email protected]
About CTA
The preeminent voice for educators in California's public schools and colleges, CTA is also a powerful and passionate advocate for students and public education.
Learn more »
CTA Member Benefits
As a member you have at your fingertips access to a variety of benefits and programs to enhance your life and your career.
Learn more
CTA Conferences
CTA offers statewide conferences designed to provide knowledge and skills for members as they go about the work of the organization.
Learn more »
California Teachers Association
1705 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: +1 650 697 1400 ·
E-Mail: [email protected] or
Follow CTA
California Casualty has presented a $2,500 Academic Award to Merced Union High School District Teachers Association member, Elaine Tam, for her class at Atwater High School in Atwater, California. Tam's name was randomly selected from a pool of more than 15,000 entries from around the nation.
Elaine Tam was all smiles when her name was announced as the latest California Casualty Academic Award winner during a back to school teacher staff meeting. Fellow teachers were present and pleased to see one of their own receive a check for $2,500 to use for school supplies and activities. When asked what she would do with the money, Elaine replied, "I will use it for transportation to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and if there's money left over, I will buy classroom supplies." Tam went on to say transportation has been a hindrance to field trips because of the high cost of bus charter services.
Are You Protecting Your Loved Ones?
According to insurance industry research group LIMRA, 30 percent of U.S. households have no life insurance coverage. LIMRA's most recent Trends in Life insurance Ownership study also found that 40 percent of U.S. households said that they would have immediate trouble meeting everyday living expenses if the primary breadwinner died today.
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month, so take some time to check your own coverage and educate yourself about the options available to you as a CTA member.
CTA Member Benefits Department
1705 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: (650) 552-5200 ·
E-Mail: [email protected]
About CTA
The preeminent voice for educators in California's public schools and colleges, CTA is also a powerful and passionate advocate for students and public education.
Learn more »
CTA Member Benefits
As a member you have at your fingertips access to a variety of benefits and programs to enhance your life and your career.
Learn more
CTA Conferences
CTA offers statewide conferences designed to provide knowledge and skills for members as they go about the work of the organization.
Learn more »
California Teachers Association
1705 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: +1 650 697 1400 ·
E-Mail: [email protected] or
Follow CTA
Messages from CTA, August, 2013
New to the District? Don’t Miss This Deadline!
If you’re a newly hired employee and an eligible CTA member, now’s the time to get CTA-endorsed Disability and Life Insurance from Standard Insurance Company (The Standard). You have a special opportunity to apply for Disability Insurance and up to $200,000 of Life Insurance within 120 days of starting work.
You can apply online at
These plans were created specifically for California education professionals and offer a number of great features, including: Coverage for disabilities occurring on or off the job, Access to the CTA Advisory Panel on Endorsed Services, Option to add Life Insurance coverage for your spouse/domestic partner and children with your Life Insurance The Standard is the only Disability and Life Insurance provider endorsed by CTA. They were selected by CTA for their financial stability, integrity and commitment to serving CTA members. Just ask Joann Hardyof Bakersfield Elementary Teachers Association,who used her Disability Insurance with The Standard after she was diagnosed with cancer: “Each time I interacted with The Standard,” Joann said, “I felt like they were truly concerned and focused on helping me. … I’ve told many of my peers, especially new teachers, about this important coverage. You never know what can happen and being prepared is important.”
Don’t miss this opportunity – apply online at
For costs and further details of the coverage and this enrollment opportunity, including the exclusions, benefit waiting periods, and reductions or limitations
and the terms under which the policy may be continued in force, please contact Standard Insurance Company at 800.522.0406. GP 190-LTD/S399/CTA.1; GP
If you’re a newly hired employee and an eligible CTA member, now’s the time to get CTA-endorsed Disability and Life Insurance from Standard Insurance Company (The Standard). You have a special opportunity to apply for Disability Insurance and up to $200,000 of Life Insurance within 120 days of starting work.
You can apply online at
These plans were created specifically for California education professionals and offer a number of great features, including: Coverage for disabilities occurring on or off the job, Access to the CTA Advisory Panel on Endorsed Services, Option to add Life Insurance coverage for your spouse/domestic partner and children with your Life Insurance The Standard is the only Disability and Life Insurance provider endorsed by CTA. They were selected by CTA for their financial stability, integrity and commitment to serving CTA members. Just ask Joann Hardyof Bakersfield Elementary Teachers Association,who used her Disability Insurance with The Standard after she was diagnosed with cancer: “Each time I interacted with The Standard,” Joann said, “I felt like they were truly concerned and focused on helping me. … I’ve told many of my peers, especially new teachers, about this important coverage. You never know what can happen and being prepared is important.”
Don’t miss this opportunity – apply online at
For costs and further details of the coverage and this enrollment opportunity, including the exclusions, benefit waiting periods, and reductions or limitations
and the terms under which the policy may be continued in force, please contact Standard Insurance Company at 800.522.0406. GP 190-LTD/S399/CTA.1; GP
CTA Disaster Relief Fund
Are you aware that the CTA Disaster Relief Fund provides financial assistance to CTA members who have experienced significant losses due to disasters like the fires in California?
The Disaster Relief Fund is a separate special fund for the members of CTA. Money for the fund comes directly from members' contributions. Thanks to this tradition of good will and generosity, members can turn to their professional organization for assistance with dignity.
The CTA Disaster Relief Fund provides four different grants summarized below: Standard: Up to $1,500 for
significant economic hardship related to damage to the member's primary residence, displacement, or disruption in required utilities;
Catastrophic: Recipients of the Standard Grant may be eligible for up to another $1,500 if damages exceed $50,000;
Temporary Displacement: Up to $500 for members who are displaced from their primary residence as the result of a disaster, but do not meet all the requirements for a Standard Grant; and School Site: Up to $500 for damage to classrooms.
For more information, go to, or contact the CTA Member Benefits Department at 650-552-5200.
Are you aware that the CTA Disaster Relief Fund provides financial assistance to CTA members who have experienced significant losses due to disasters like the fires in California?
The Disaster Relief Fund is a separate special fund for the members of CTA. Money for the fund comes directly from members' contributions. Thanks to this tradition of good will and generosity, members can turn to their professional organization for assistance with dignity.
The CTA Disaster Relief Fund provides four different grants summarized below: Standard: Up to $1,500 for
significant economic hardship related to damage to the member's primary residence, displacement, or disruption in required utilities;
Catastrophic: Recipients of the Standard Grant may be eligible for up to another $1,500 if damages exceed $50,000;
Temporary Displacement: Up to $500 for members who are displaced from their primary residence as the result of a disaster, but do not meet all the requirements for a Standard Grant; and School Site: Up to $500 for damage to classrooms.
For more information, go to, or contact the CTA Member Benefits Department at 650-552-5200.
CTA Member Benefits Department
1705 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: (650) 552-5200 • E-Mail: [email protected]
mailto:[email protected]
About CTA
The preeminent voice for educators in California's public schools and colleges, CTA is also a powerful and passionate advocate for students and
public education. Learn more »
CTA Member Benefits
As a member you have at your fingertips access to a variety of benefits and programs to enhance your life and your career. Learn more
CTA Conferences
CTA offers statewide conferences designed to provide knowledge and skills for members as they go about the work of the organization.
Learn more »
California Teachers Association
1705 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA
Phone: +1 650 697 1400 • E-Mail: [email protected]
mailto:[email protected]
Follow CTA